Wednesday 28 December 2011

Poetry assignment

Prelude #1
T.S. Eliot

The winter's evening settles down
With smells of steaks in passageways,    alliteration
Six o' clock. 
The burnt-out ends of smoky days,  
And now a gusty shower wraps
The grimy scraps
Of withered leaves across your feet        enjambement, addressing the reader -> involving him/her into the situation of the poem
And newspapers from vacant loss;
The showers best
On empty blinds and chimney-pots,
And at the corner of the street 
A lonely cab-horse steams and stamps.    personificaton
And then the lightning of the lamps.       ellipse

Twilight Entered My Room
by Paudelis Prevelakis

Twilight entered my room                 personification
like a red lion.                                               <- simile
Its reflected light fell in the mirror
and I felt its soft paws
touching my naked feet.
I stooped under the table
which the day’s work had blessed     personification
and saw the sun kissing my feet     personification
with its red tongue.       personification

Prelude #1
1. a)The poem "Prelude #1" construes the end of a winter's evening in a city with bad weather. It must be quite late, because nobody except the cab horse is there anymore. The relationship between darkness and lonelyness and sadness symbolised by the emptyness and the thunderstorm are indicated.
b) In the first line Eliot uses personification to create a character for the "winter's evening". That the day ends with the smell of steaks could be taken as a symbol for human consumption.
c) The connection between the poem and human conditions is based on a winter night in a town that's empty at that point and could addumbrate the influence with consequences as bad weather.

Twilight Entered My Room
1. a) The poem "Twilight Entered My Room" characterizes the end of a long working day. The relief to go home and relax could be symbolised by the expanding twilight.
b) Paudelis Prevelakis uses a red lion as a metaphor for twilight. Furthermore, the first four lines define the advancement of the twilight, while the last five lines chronicle the pleasant reaction.
c) The poem might detail the positive influence on humans. The worker eases off with the touch of it.

2. While "Prelude #1" defines the end of a bad day, "Twilight Entered My Room" illustrates harmony. "Prelude #1" accents the weather conditions and location to present the theme. In "Twilight Entered My Room" the movement of the twilight and the reaction of the human is more conspicouos. In form, the two poems differ in amount of lines and balance of syllak,l,bles. There is no discernible rhyme scheme in either one.

3.In Eliot's "Prelude #1" the last line delineates the stuttering end of the lamp. It might be nature taking back it's world from the humans' epitomized by the weather and the lamp, working because of human electricity.
Prevelakis reinstates the metaphor in the last line. The poem could actually be finished but he ends with his greatest literary device in the poem.

4. "Prelude #1" and "Twilight Entered My Room" both deal with twilight, using imagery. However, while Eliot's poem creates a sad feeling while Pavelakis composes a relaxoíng atmosphere by including lions, majestic wildcats from Africa, as a simile of twilight. Eliot  includes the reader and uses enjambement to make fluent transitions. Other from that he writes with an alliteration and ellipse.  The weather also plays an important role in his poem.  It builds a lonely, dark and totally different atmosphere than in "Twilight Entered My Room".

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